Take a 5 minute Stress Profile Quiz to find out what your stress profile is. This will help you learn how to reduce your stress.


Please rate each statement on a scale of 1 to 5 how strongly you disagree or agree with it.

1= Strongly Disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Neutral
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly Agree

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    • I tend to put up with a bad situation for longer than I really want to.

      Rate it (strongly disagree to strongly agree) :

    • It is important to me that my views are seen as the right ones.

      Rate it (strongly disagree to strongly agree) :

    • When mad at someone, I withhold my attention from that person rather than express my anger.

      Rate it (strongly disagree to strongly agree) :

    • I put off completing tasks until I have to do them.

      Rate it (strongly disagree to strongly agree) :

    • I am reluctant to take on new challenging projects or tasks.

      Rate it (strongly disagree to strongly agree) :

    • It is better to left alone than to stay in a bad relationship for too long.

      Rate it (strongly disagree to strongly agree) :

    • I look for ways to prove that I am right.

      Rate it (strongly disagree to strongly agree) :

    • I often feel a need to be perfect.

      Rate it (strongly disagree to strongly agree) :

    • I focus on meeting other's needs at the expense of my own.

      Rate it (strongly disagree to strongly agree) :

    • I don’t deserve to have what I want.

      Rate it (strongly disagree to strongly agree) :

    • I am better at caring for others than caring for myself.

      Rate it (strongly disagree to strongly agree) :

    • I try to avoid being blamed for something I did or did not do.

      Rate it (strongly disagree to strongly agree) :
