Loving-Kindness Meditation
Guided Meditation
(Great to repeat first thing in the morning and last thing at night)
May I send love to myself.
May I be well.
May I be free from stress.
May I be free from worry.
May I be free from sadness and anger.
May I be free from difficulties.
May I be filled with loving-kindness.
May I be calm and at peace.
May I be at happy.
I send this loving-kindness out.
2nd Section
I send love to ----------- (children, husband, pet or friend).
Repeat the above phrases to (children, husband, pet or friend).
3rd Section
I send love to ----------- (neutral person, a neighbor or coworker).
Repeat the above phrases to (neutral person, a neighbor or coworker).
4th Section
I send love to ----------- (someone you may have had difficulty with).
Repeat the above phrases to (someone you may have had difficulty with).
5th Section
I send love to the whole world.
Repeat the above phrases to the whole world.
Last Section
With Gratitude, I am thankful for this meditation. I know however the meditation went; it was perfect for me right now. I know my meditation is a practice, and I am thankful I practiced. I will breathe in Loving-Kindness throughout my day.