Our Body is a Stress Lie detector
A Lie Detector does not lie, nor does the body. The test relies on sensors placed on various parts of our body to analyze the subtle reactions. The test can detect changes in the blood pressure, sweat on the palms
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The Good News is the Brain is Reprogrammable
Often people will say, "I can't change; this is just the way I am." "You can't change human nature." Well, the Good News is that scientists have confirmed that the brain is more flexible and changeable
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Being Grateful Helps the Mind and the Body
Research published by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley from Indiana University professors Joel Wong and Joshua Brown on “How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain” identifies how gratitude
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Exercise Awareness of our stressors
By rewiring our brains, we can change our lives. By designing new programs, we can change the patterns of our brain firings to lay the foundation for new perceptionsand experiences.
To begin
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How Meditation Changes the Brain
Meditation is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Meditation over time changes the mind, similar to exercise over time changes the body. This is great news because it means that we can take responsibility
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Why Mindful Giving is So Good for Your Body and Mind
Mindfully giving from the heart has a positive effect on your body and mind. Rick Hanson Ph.D., a neuropsychologist, writes that a positive emotional experience such as giving can Lower the stress
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