
Are You Doing Enough To Protect Your Staff From
BURNOUT and Chronic Stress?



Stress and Burnout Are Huge Issues in the Workplace
-83% of US workers suffer from work-related stress *
- One million Americans miss work each day due to stress*
- 93% of health workers reported being stressed out**
- 62% of nurses feel burnt out at their jobs.
- 45% of nurses report that they were not getting enough emotional support**
*American Institute of Stress, 2022
** National Institute for Occupation Safety and Health, 2022

Why You Should Care

Burnout leads to resignation and recruiting and hiring a new employee, on-boarding, training, lost productivity, and other associated costs are, well, costly.

A Fundamental Stress Shift is Needed



When stressed we release cortisol and adrenaline which keeps the body in a continual state of inflammation which can lead to absenteeism, burnout and eventually chronic disease.
So a fundamental shift is required to break this unhealthy pattern of stress denial and chronic stress.

Why our Approach to Reducing Stress is Different

Coping With Stress
Biometrics, exercise, eating well, and focusing on better sleep can help to cope with stress, but do not address the root cause of stress.
Learning To Shift Stress
Our approach addresses the root causes of stress and gives long-lasting techniques for mindful stress shifting. We show you how to manage your brain better by taking advantage of the latest neuroscience advancements.

Introducing the Stress Shifter Skills Course


The Stress Shifter Skills Course teaches the mindful, lifelong skill that transforms stress triggers to minimize stress reactions and promotes stress resiliency.

Instead of settling for just putting up with your stress, you can access your higher brain functions by learning the skill of Mindful Stress Shifting.

The course cultivates awareness, insight, and positive choices to better manage stress.

Get a Demo

Imagine a Workplace Where...


Your Staff Has Learned the Stress Shifting Skills To Become More...

Calm, Centered, and Creative are the three promises the Stress Shifter Skills Course teaches:

The course cultivates awareness, insight, and positive choices to better manage stress.

Calm - A mindful workplace where the employees are in the present moment without judgment, worry, or anxiety.

Centered – A centered workplace where the employees are resilient, flexible, and balanced.

Creative – A creative workplace where the employees are confident, energized, and imaginative.

This Course Is Designed for Your Employees Who…



  • Want to protect their immune system by improving their response to stress

  • Are tired of feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, or can't stop worrying

  • Want to find more effective ways to be more calm, confident, centered, and creative

  • Are looking for a permanent way to improve their stress response

  • Want to shift their response to a stressful situation in their life right now

The Stress Shifter Skills Course Signature Process

In four simple steps, you can begin to face your stress and learn practical skills that will be useful for your lifetime.

Get a Demo

In four simple steps, you can begin to face your stress and learn practical skills that will be useful for your lifetime.


Wondering How You Deal With Stress?

Find out! With the Stress Profile. It's free!


Take the Stress Profile

Here Is What Students Have Shared About Their Experiences With the Stress Shifter Skills Course:

"Learning step by step on how to transform stress to be more calm and grounded."
"I learned that I can change the way my brain works."
"To flow and free the stress, and to face stress as an opportunity to learn and grow. "

"I realized how much of how terrible I have been feeling is probably related to how much the stress I have at home and work."

"I learned that I can change the way my brain works."

"I learned to recognize my stress reactions and triggers. Then take a deep breath and change the story that I'm telling myself in my brain."

"I realized how much of how terrible I have been feeling is probably related to how much the stress I have at home and work."

"I learned to recognize my stress reactions and triggers. Then take a deep breath and change the story that I'm telling myself in my brain."

"Stress Shifter leads to an inner wealth of self-compassion, self-love and self-acceptance and allows the self to be free to start flowing through life instead of being trapped in the mind and body of judgement.”
"Stress Shifter improved relationships and happiness I have now compared to before. No matter what comes my way, I know I can handle it, because it is within my power to handle it. I'm a much happier and positive person now. "

By Taking a Proactive Approach To Face Your Internal Stress Triggers Rather Than Trying To Avoid External Triggers You Become Empowered To Learn and Grow
Stronger as a Person. 


By Learning How To Create Safety Within Yourself Using the 4-Step Stress Shifter Process, You Can Achieve a Calm Mindset No Matter the External Circumstances.
You Become More Resilient and Healthier.

Learn more about Stress Shifter Shifter Skills Training